Applications & Web
- Accounts & System Access - NetIDs are available to individuals affiliated with UNM, UNM departments, and chartered student organizations. The NetID provides an email address, space for a web page, and file storage. Password FAQ | choosing and obtaining a NetID | Email | Manag...
- Administrative Applications Solutions - IT provides the application environment and its supporting infrastructure to administrative departments that support the University enterprise, such as Controller's organization, Enrollment Management, and Human Resources. These business solutio...
- Administrative Information Reporting - IT provides the infrastructure that supports University administrative reporting needs. This area provides and supports the architecture for business intelligence, the information through which the institution demonstrates and analyzes survivability ...
- Authentication & Authorization - The University directory of record underlies the online directory, and enables secure access to central and departmental applications via a UNM NetID and password. The underlying directory is often referred to as LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Pr...
- Database Management Services - The Database Team provides Oracle Database consulting and support for non-hospital databases. Services currently offered include: Database Maintenance (critical patches, space management, monitoring and account setup) Database Upgrades and Data Ref...
- E-mail & Calendar - E-mail CommuniGate is the primary email infrastructure for students, staff and faculty and is accessible via Webmail or any desktop mail applications like Outlook or Thunderbird. This e-mail system includes Main and branch campuses and provides email...
- Election Software - The IT department offers secure anonymous elections and polls via the web. Electronic Web ballots are delivered via Opinio, which is a web-based electronic survey application. NetID authentication may be applied as a security layer. IT is limited to ...
- Faculty & Course Evaluation Support - Faculty and Course Evaluations provide student feedback to faculty on teaching strengths and weaknesses. Evaluations are completed at the end of the course by students. Faculty receive summary reports within two months of semester end. Reports are al...
- FastInfo Knowledge Management - FastInfo is an enterprise solution that provides an end-user search able knowledge base of information. The IT department provides two interface web sites for the product: FastInfo for employees, and StudentInfo for students. FastInfo allows users to...
- Hosting - Department Servers & Applications - The IT department provides a variety of services for servers and applications. These range from just housing another departments server in our Data Center, to creating virtual server environments, application hosting complete with system administrati...
- myUNM - Intranet Portal - myUNM is a portal to a variety of UNM services and online information. It is available to everyone at UNM. The portal requires authentication with your NetID and password. You can customize the portal for your needs, including appearance, adding book...
- Project Consultation - Collaborate with university administrative & academic customers to assess their IT requirements and potential organizational impact in order to identify possible solutions using IT or 3rd party resources. Provide project planning consulting as well...
- Scannable Form Design, Printing - Forms are very good for data collection in areas where online data collection is unavailable or inconvenient, such as remote environments or large gatherings, such as workshops. Scannable forms can be used for elections, surveys, questionnaires, test...
- Software Purchase and Support - Students Students may purchase software — usually at discounted pricing — from the UNM Bookstore. Microsoft offers discounted software for students online. Students have access to several software applications at no cost from the IT Downl...
- Survey & Questionnaire Software - Opinio is provided by the IT department as a web based survey and questionnaire tool for use by students, staff and faculty conducting research, gathering customer feedback, measuring employee satisfaction, service evaluations, product evaluations, o...
- Technical Support for Departments (Field Agents) - Field Agent Program Program Overview
The IT Field Agent program is a unique service on campus. The program offers highly-trained, technical staff and students to outsource IT work within other departments and groups at UNM. The agents provide two l... - Test Scoring - LoboScore provides test scoring on 5, 10 and 20 question general purpose answer sheets, along with item validation and analysis. Reports are available as Adobe Acrobat (PDF). There is a charge for paper reports. Student scores are available in two fo...
- Web Hosting - Basic Web Hosting The IT department provides web site space, free of charge, to individuals with a UNM NetID. This service allows hosting of standard HTML files, Flash, JavaScript, etc. Additionally, IT provides a pre-selected collection of CGI scri...
- Web Support - Information Technologies provides limited support for web design and development. IT staff can assist you in basic troubleshooting of HTML, JavaScript, ColdFusion and PHP. IT also provides UNM NetID authentication to web applications running on centr...
- Web Utilities - Information Technologies provides a collection of web utilities to enhance websites. Google Search The UNM search engine is a Google Search Appliance. If your departmental pages are included in the search index, you can set up a page that only looks ..
- Accounts & System Access - NetIDs are available to individuals affiliated with UNM, UNM departments, and chartered student organizations. The NetID provides an email address, space for a web page, and file storage. Password FAQ | choosing and obtaining a NetID | Email | Manag...
- Administrative Applications Solutions - IT provides the application environment and its supporting infrastructure to administrative departments that support the University enterprise, such as Controller's organization, Enrollment Management, and Human Resources. These business solutio...
- Administrative Information Reporting - IT provides the infrastructure that supports University administrative reporting needs. This area provides and supports the architecture for business intelligence, the information through which the institution demonstrates and analyzes survivability ...
- Authentication & Authorization - The University directory of record underlies the online directory, and enables secure access to central and departmental applications via a UNM NetID and password. The underlying directory is often referred to as LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Pr...
- Billing Portal Accounts - The Billing Portal enables authorized department users to view the detail of their cellular and long distance usage, as well as overall department usage of services, such as monthly telecommunications and networking charges, one time charges associat...
- Cell Phones - Cellular service at UNM includes phones, SmartPhones, Aircards and related equipment along with an associated phone and/or data plan. Cellular service is provided by the UNM RFP vendor, Alltel, as well as T-Mobile, and Verizon. Cellular service bills...
- Computer Classrooms - Information Technologies (IT) computer classrooms may be scheduled through UNM Classroom Scheduling at the Registrar's Office, 277.4336 or submit a request online. To schedule IT computing facilities for one-time or conference use, please conta...
- Computer Equipment Recycling Program - Disk Erasure and Data Destruction All UNM workstation hard drive data is erased before disposal at no charge to UNM departments. Redistribution IT will redistribute usable workstations to other UNM departments as older workstations are replaced. S...
- Computer Pods (Labs) - Information Technologies (IT) operates seven labs, called Pods, and 13 computer-equipped classrooms on campus for UNM students, faculty, and staff to learn about and use current computer technology. Find pod and classroom locations on this map. ...
- Data Transfer Services - Data and applications can be transferred between workstations with PC Mover for an hourly labor fee of $65. per hour, up to three (3) hours maximum charge. ...
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